About envy in costuming environments
Some suggestions about envy: the first poison of the costuming environment
Padmé’s wardrobe
Short analysis of Padmè’s wardrobe, including advice and reviews!
Daenerys dragonstone dress
Side by side view of the original costume and the replica I have created.
Screen VS exhibit
Exploring the difference between what we see on screen and the real costume, what makes a costume look different and what to know before choosing the fabric when you want to go for accuracy.
I want my pictures!
A small article on photo collaboration etiquette for cosplayers and those who attend events and work in person with photographers.
The ebay costume experiment
Comparing the result of a handmade attempt of replica with a chinese dress from ebay.
Padmé’s bridal gown
Progress of making a replica of Padmé’s edding gown from Star Wars episode II.
Padmé funeral gown
The making of a replica of Padmé’s funeral gown from Star Wars episode III.